Guide for Prey - 1st Playthrough, Life Support (2024)


From entering Life Support you will see an Etheric Phantom walking in the distance (there is also another one up the stairs on the far right side) and you will receive contact from Mikhalia Ilyushin, this starts another main mission - Reboot. Walk forward and on the left is an opening, inside is a red Toolbox with Spare Parts, a component and G.L.O.O ammo. Go forward and kill both Etheric Phantoms, to the left you will see some steps and a broken junction box, use your G.L.O.O gun and repair the junction box. On the steps is the corpse of Penny Tennyson. Standing facing Penny's head, turn around and follow the wall for Service Requests around to the left, smash the window and jump in. Inside on the left is the Supply Depot computer this has 1 email and a note underneath the monitor. To the right of the computer on the adjacent desk is a component and Spare Parts. Opposite the computer is the Suit Repair Fabrication Plan. Turn left to find a Supply Crate with Spare Parts, a Weapon Upgrade Kit and 2 EMP charges. Climb out of the window again and walk forward to climb the stairs. At the top turn right and look for the Med Bay, this has a Cystoid Nest within. Shoot it and deal with the Cystoids, now move the Shelves to gain access. Inside those shelves is the Anti-Rad Pharma Fabrication Plan. As you enter the room in the other Shelves to the right of the entrance (if you have your back to the entrance) is a Medkit and a Neuromod.

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Leave the Med Bay and head forward, you will see the rest rooms in front of you and they are covered by G.L.O.O, destroy this. Inside on the floor is the corpse of Alton Weber, he has a Suit Repair Kit, the Shotgun Shells Fabrication Plan and a note. Next to him is a G.L.O.O gun. In front of the last cubicle is a Grate, lift this using Leverage 2 and drop down to find the Security Office Keycard. Jump back out and look diagonally left for the Maintenance Hatch, access it to find a component, Spare Parts and to the left the corpse of Tobias Frost he has a component on him, a Transcribe and Psychoactive Particle Injector. Leave the Maintenance tunnel the way you came and leave the rest room. Turn left and find a drinks cabinet with Cold Mountain Green Tea and Kafe Karsk. To the right is the corpse of Ari Liudnarht she has a Suit Repair Kit, Crispy Frites and 5 Spare Parts.

Head slightly forward and to the left, in front and to the right are 3 corpses, Augusto Vera, (he has a component, Spiralite Cookies and Spare Parts) Erica Teague (she has ammo, a Suit Repair Kit, a note with a keycode, a Transcribe and a pistol) and Carol Sikes (she has a component, Suit Repair Kit and Captain Spree's Fish Sticks) Diagonally right from Carol Sikes is the Security Office, be careful as it is boobytrapped just left of the keypad, disarm the Recycler Charge. Use the keycard to access the room. To the left are 3 lockers, they contain various components and ammo. Turn right and access the Security Station at the end of the room for the map and 3 emails. Reading the last email will start the side mission - Missing Engineer. Go to the crew tab and onto the 2nd page of the Life Support to find Jean Faure. Now turn around to find a safe, either use the keycode (3992) or Hacking 3 to access the safe for the Silence Pistol Fabrication Plan, 2 Neuromods and some ammo. Leave the room and return to the stairs.

At the bottom of the stairs, turn right and enter Atmosphere Control. Once through the decontamination, move forward and access the Atmosphere Control room - An alternate route is to turn right from decontamination and enter the Locker Room. Follow the room around to the left to find a corrupted Operator, destroy it. Opposite the showers is a grey Crate, move this to reveal a Maintenance Hatch, access it and this leads to the Atmosphere Control Room and left of the other door you could have entered.

Whichever entrance you used there is at least 2 Thermal Phantom's and 2 corrupted Operator's within. From the main entrance, turn right and head up the stairs, follow it to the left and you will see on the left a locked room leading to the Oxygen Flow Control Room, use Hacking 4 to access it and be ready to destroy another corrupted Operator. From the doorway turn right to find Spare Parts on the floor and against the far left wall 2 components. From the entrance look on the computer on the right and it has a note with a keycode and to the left of the entrance next to an empty Medkit box are some Shelves, within is 2 Spare Parts, a component and Psychoshock Shielding (*) 21.4Ghz Chipset. You will probably find that you now have a Poltergeist to deal with, locate it and kill it.

Leave the room, turn right and go down the stairs and up the other side. At the top of the stairs, turn right and you will see a door that is blocked by two flames, use the G.L.O.O gun to stop the flames. Once it is safe enter the Air Filtration Control Room. Turn left and on the side is The Starbender Cycle: Book 4: Backstabbed in the Face. Turn right and you will find a Transcribe just in front of you on the computer desk. Walk forward and access Jean Faure's computer for 1 email. Leave the room and turn right and follow the path around to the right. You will see a small walkway with flames shooting through, either nip downstairs and block the pipe or jump over it. On the other side is the corpse of Alan Bianchi who has a component and a Suit Repair Kit.

Now leave this area and head back to where you repaired the junction box right at the beginning, turn left and go down the Grav lift.

As you drop down turn left and find a corrupted Operator, destroy it. To your right is a Fabricator if you need to use it. From the Fabricator turn around and you will see to your right a large pile of Cargo, to the left of the large pile of Cargo is a path leading to the Escape Pods, walk down it. As the door opens there is a Voltaic Phantom to kill, after you have killed it on the centre walkway is the corpse of Umi Isaka, she has a component and a Kafe Karsk on her. Facing her feet, go up the steps on the left behind you to find the corpse of Anong Lao she has a component and Spare Parts on her and a pistol next to her.

Enter the 2nd escape pod on the left to find the corpse of Emily Carter she has a component, EMP charge, Suit Repair Kit and a Transcribe on her, listening to this starts the side mission - Psychic Water. Just before the 3rd escape pod on the left side is the corpse of Hank Majors and he has a component, Spare Parts and ammo on him. On the right side the 2nd escape pod has 2 components within. Now it's time to invest in Repair 3 as you need this to access the 3rd escape pod. Inside is the corpse of Angela Diaz she has a component, the Pistol Critical ++ Chipset and a Recycler charge.

Now return to the Grav lift and to the right is the Storage Room either enter the code (6524) you obtained earlier or hack it using Hacking 3. As you enter in front of you on the right are some Shelves with a Nullwave Transmitter, go to the back of the room and on the shelves are numerous components to loot. In the far right hand corner from the entrance is a table with 3 Neuromods, to the right of this are some Shelves with the Nullwave Transmitter Fabrication Plan, a Weapon Upgrade Kit and 2 Typhon Lures and to the left of the table is a MedKit on the wall.

Leave the room, turn right and then walk forward and you will find a corrupted Operator, destroy it (there is also another corrupted Operator to the rear of the Grav lift). On the floor in front of you will be the corpse of Raya Leiruat. Follow the waypoint to the Reactor Control Room, on the right before the steps is a red Toolbox with 2 components within. As you approach the door, scan it and you will be told to destroy the Technopath. Turn around and follow the path around to the right until you get to a door. Using Leverage 3 force open the door to find the Technopath inside. Use an EMP charge and your favourite weapon to destroy it. If you don't have Leverage 3 for any reason there is a way to access this room without forcing the door. Go to where you scanned the door and turn 90 degrees left, look up and you will see right on the ceiling a walkway. Use the G.L.O.O gun to make several platforms to climb up and then follow the path around to access two Maintenance Hatches and allow you access. I have created a video as a visual guide:

As you enter the room you will find the corpse of Cynthia Dringus and she has a Suit Repair kit, a component and the Farscan 002Si Chipset. On the right of her is a computer monitor, interact with this to switch on the power. Move forward slightly and turn left to see some stairs with electric arcing, use the G.L.O.O gun to stop the sparking and repair the junction box. To the right of the junction box is the corpse of Roger Meir he has a component and an EMP charge on him. Turn right from the corpse and you will see a Recycler in the distance use this if you need it.

Head back to the entrance and with your back facing it turn right, follow the room around to the right until you come across a grey crate and a Tank Storage upturned. Underneath this is the corpse of Kane Rosito he has a component, an EMP charge and 2 Nullwave Transmitters on him.

Now go up the stairs where you repaired the junction box and follow the walkway around until you come to the door leading to the Monitoring Station, inside is a Voltaic Phantom, kill it. On the desk to the right as you enter is a bottle of Old Sardar Bourbon. To the left of the desk on the floor is a bottle of Green Beetle Gin, Old Sardar Bourbon and a can of Duck Beer. You will also find a Supply Crate with 2 Spare Parts, a note that gives you a password, 2 bottles of Old Sardar Bourbon and a bottle of Pomegranate Moonshine.

On the desk is Price Broadway's computer either use the password you just obtained or hack it using Hacking 1. This computer contains 2 emails and under the utilities you can unlock the processing terminal, do this. In the opposite end of the room is another door, exit via this door and walk forward along the walkway. As you approach the stairs on the right you will find the corpse of Pablo Meyers. Turn right and go up the stairs, when you get as far as you can go there is a wrench and a bottle of Pomegranate Moonshine. Go back down the stairs and at the corpse turn right. Use the G.L.O.O gun to form a platform under the window to the right of the blocked door, jump across and smash the window to access the room, inside is a corrupted Operator. At the back of the room in the centre is the corpse of Johnny Brungen. On the desk underneath the window are various materials to loot and to the left of the table on a Crash Cart are 2 Neuromods. On a desk under the 2nd window are more materials to loot in the far corner. Next to the exit is a Medkit to be looted. Look for the waypoint in the middle of the room titled "Water Treatment Facility" interact with this to complete the side mission - Psychic Water.

Head out of this door and along the walkway and drop down to the level below. At the far end of this room is a Grav lift, go down to the Waste Processing area, down here is a Voltaic Phantom to deal with. There are various Eel Scraps to pick up and also you need to interact with the computer to extract the eels. This will drop a load of eels, a Greater Mimic and the corpse of Price Broadway into the centre of the room. He has 2 components on him, Spare Parts, a Neuromod, a Methuselah Apple and a note. Go back up the Grav lift and use the Recycler and/or Fabricator if needed and then head to the Reactor Control Room waypoint and enter the door to enter the Power Plant.

Upon entering you will receive further communication from Mikhalia Ilyushin she states she will guide you to your location. In front of you are some Cystoid Nests inside a room, clear them. Inside this small room is The Starbender Cycle: Book 5: Crown of Tumbleweed and a Weapon Upgrade Kit. To the right of the door is some G.L.O.O ammo and a Security Station that requires Hacking 2 to access. Download the area map and allow access to the Engineering Control. Leave the room and turn right. A short distance in front on the left is a Drinks cabinet with cans of Cold Mountain Green Tea and Kafe Karsk. Now enter the door at the end and be prepared for a Greater Mimic. On the floor immediately in front of you is the corpse of Brenda Cabrera she has a component, ammo, Weapon Upgrade Kit and Kings & Way Sparkling Wine on her.

Walk forward and see the corpse of Lan Nguyen leant against the right wall, she has a component, ammo, Suit Repair Kit and a Transcribe on her. To the left of her is a Grounding Resister that needs repairing, repair it and place it into the power supply just above the corpse to turn the lights on in the Zero-G area to your right. Go towards the Grav lifts at the end, but turn left into the Power Plant Monitoring. Immediately on the left is a broken junction box, G.L.O.O it and repair it. Head down the steps to the area where Emmanuel Mendez computer is found, it has 2 emails within. To the right of the computer is a Transcribe. Once you have those collected go to the Grav lift and head down. As you head down you will find a Mimic and Greater Mimic either immediately or in the next room. In this next area you will spread over the upper and lower levels at least 4 Phantoms and 1 will most likely be a Voltaic Phantom.

From the Grav lifts move into the next area and follow the upper level around to the right until you get to the Parts Storage, use Hacking 3 to access it. Inside are 4 Mimics and 2 Greater Mimics, once they are killed go from the doorway into the far right corner and on the shelf is a component, the Wrench Fabrication Plan, a Recycler Charge and a Neuromod. Look to the centre of the room, with the hole in front of you and the door to the left, walk around to the right of the hole and turn right to find a component and ammo on a shelf. Walk to the end of the hole in the ground and turn right to find Spare Parts on one shelf. On the opposite shelf you will find a component and 2 Weapon Upgrade Kits. On the left of the hole in the middle of the room is a red Toolbox with 2 components and on the shelf opposite is the G.L.O.O Cannon Fabrication Plan. Unlock whichever door you didn't hack and turn left, at the end turn right and right again to do down some stairs.

When you are the bottom, look diagonally left and you will see more steps leading down, go down them. Walk forward until you see an opening on your right and crawl within. Head forward and follow the path until the dead end and a Neuromod is at the end on the left side. Now follow the waypoint to the Reactor Control Room and as you approach the locked door you will be told to find a supervisor keycard. Turn around and go left, and just before the steps turn left again to find the corpse of Matthew Connolly who has a G.L.O.O gun next to him and a Methuselah Apple on him.

Return back to the locked door and look for the fire, use the G.L.O.O gun to put that out to find the corpse of Talia Brooks burnt against the wall. She has a component, Neuromod, Suit Repair Kit, Transcribe, the Q-Beam Fabrication Plan and the keycard you need. As you open the locked door be ready for the Phantom on the other side.

Once the Phantom is killed before going to speak to Mikhalia Ilyushin go to the left to unlock the airlock. Turn right from the airlock to enter the Med Bay and find the corpse of Anthony Aquilante he has an EMP charge on him. Inside the Med Bay is a trolley with a Medkit, the Anti Rad Pharma Fabrication Plan and a PSI Hypo on it. Leave the Med Bay and turn left, head up the small steps. Turn right and enter the Coolant Chamber via the right door. On the left is Lan Nguyen's computer use Hacking 1 to access it, this has 2 emails on it. Behind the monitor on the desk are 3 Neuromods, 2 Typhon Lures and just to the right of these is the Disruptor Battery Fabrication Plan. Now talk to Mikhalia Ilyushin, talking to her will start a timed side mission - You have 2 hours in game time to do this and it is essential you do this for an achievement and endgame achievement.

She will tell you to go to the Reactor Control Room and cycle the power. Leave the room, follow the waypoint and smash the G.L.O.O blocking the Grav lift. You may come across 2 Greater Mimics as you approach the G.L.O.O. Once down the lift, go forward through the door and turn left. When you get to the stairs on your right, head down 12 flights of stairs. When you reach the landing area, head forward up some small steps and follow the walkway all the way around, you will likely be targeted by the Nightmare beneath you but keep walking until the end where you will find the corpse of Nicholas Stillwater he has a component, keycard, Weapon Upgrade Kit and Neuromod on him.

Turn around and walk a short distance along the walkway, turn right on the 1st stairs you come to and cross over. As you get to the centre area, turn left and walk forward. Ignore the 1st left turn and keep following around to the right until you come to the 2nd set of stairs on the left leading down, go down them 2 flights. Move forward slightly and turn right, follow it around and you will come across the corpse of Guy Croal he has a component, Suit Repair Kit and a keycard on him. Next to him is a G.L.O.O gun. Turn around, head back to the stairs and go down to the bottom floor. Walk forward and turn right, under the stairs is the Grav lift, in the corner you need to repair it to get it working. Follow the waypoint and to the right of the steps leading to the Reactor Control Booth is a Fabricator that needs repairing, to the left of the steps around the back of the Reactor Control Booth is a Recycler that needs repairing.

Go into the Reactor Control Booth and to the left of the monitor is some Anti-Rad and on the Shelves behind the monitor and to the right is some ammo, a Nullwave Transmitter, a Medkit, an Anti-Rad and an EMP charge. Now approach the monitor and click Access Safety Switches, 6 switches will lift. Interact with the switches in this order Magnetosphere, Substation Power Grid, Photovoltaic Rings, Gravity, Life Support and Main Reactor, then approach the monitor and click on Initiate Reboot. Once the system reboots you will see a problem and you now have to check the Divertor. Leave the room and head towards the waypoint.

Open the door by pressing the button and be prepared to take on a number of Cystoids. After you kill them enter the room and go to the waypoint, remove the broken Divertor and repair it. Whilst holding it walk towards the gap and it will replace it. Next to the gap on the floor is a Transcribe. Now return to the Reactor Control Booth and interact with the monitor by pressing Resume Reboot. After you hear communication from a number of people you will see that 2 Technopaths are floating about, you can avoid these by sneaking to the repaired Grav lift and then going towards the waypoint up the 2nd Grav lift. Once back with Mikhalia Ilyushin leave the station via the airlock.

As you leave the airlock there is a Cystoid Nest to deal with, destroy it and the Cystoids. To aid navigation I have created a video or alternatively read on:

Float a short distance out and turn around so you are facing the airlock. Now ascend and you will see the Power Plant breach, this is your target. You will likely come across a corrupted Operator and some more Cystoids, but be prepared for more Typhon. Inside the breach are 2 Cystoid Nests. Enter Mikhalia's laboratory and on the wall on the left side is a Laboratory Cabinet, inside is a component and Weapon Upgrade Kit. Look to the middle of the room for Mikhaila Ilyushin's computer it has 2 emails on it. At this point with 150 emails read I unlocked:

  • Press Sneak

    You read all the e-mails on Talos I.

    Guide for Prey - 1st Playthrough, Life Support (3)

    2 guidesGuide for Prey - 1st Playthrough, Life Support (4)Guide for Prey - 1st Playthrough, Life Support (5)Guide for Prey - 1st Playthrough, Life Support (6)Guide for Prey - 1st Playthrough, Life Support (7)Guide for Prey - 1st Playthrough, Life Support (8)

I am aware that this may unlock earlier or later for others so I will keep referring to computers you can find. To the right of the computer floating is a Neuromod and in the corner of the room is a wooden Filing Cabinet with ammo and Mikhalia's Booster Shots. From the Filing Cabinet turn left and float to the end of the room, on the right is a doorway, enter it. Floating on the left are 2 Neuromods. Enter Talia Brooks office which is opposite Mikhalia's laboratory, inside are 3 PSI Hypo's immediately in front of you. Now leave this area and get back to the airlock.

Once inside approach Mikhalia Ilyushin and give her the booster shots and you will complete the side mission and unlock:

  • A Friend in Need

    You recovered Mikhaila's booster shots and healed her.

    Guide for Prey - 1st Playthrough, Life Support (9)

    1 guideGuide for Prey - 1st Playthrough, Life Support (10)Guide for Prey - 1st Playthrough, Life Support (11)Guide for Prey - 1st Playthrough, Life Support (12)Guide for Prey - 1st Playthrough, Life Support (13)

15. 1st Playthrough, Start of the Mop-Up13. 1st Playthrough, Cargo Bay

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Guide for Prey - 1st Playthrough, Life Support (2024)


What are the answers to the computer in prey? ›

Search Dr.

Go to the one on his desk. and use the utilities tab to reset the behavior test. Now go to the other computer and enter the answers you heard at the end of the TranScribe: A, C, B, A and C, in that order. The painting on the opposite wall will slide up, revealing a safe.

How do you get into life support in prey? ›

Head through the GUTS loading bay door (it's the one to the right of the recycler in the Cargo Bay), then turn left to find the door to life support. When you arrive on the other side of the load screen, you'll get a call from Mikhaila Ilyushin, and she'll give you a solution to your problem.

What is the easiest ending in prey? ›

The third ending you can get in Prey is called, Abandon Ship, and is one of the easiest endings to get. The Abandon Ship ending sees you use Alex's Escape Pod, well before the climax of the game.

How many endings does Prey have? ›

There are really three overall endings to Prey, which involve escaping the Talos 1 space station, choosing to blow it up or saving it. A Mind Without Limits involves saving it and all the research it holds, with Morgan's brother Alex giving players a blueprint for a Nullwave transmitter that will destroy the Typhon.

Are there cheat codes in Prey? ›

During gameplay, hold down [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [~]. This will bring down the console. Enter the corresponding cheats for whatever you want.

What is the safe in Prey life support? ›

Life Support Security Station Safe

Find Erica Teague's corpse in Life Support, which will give you the access keycode to the security station in the area.

Can you get all Neuromods in Prey? ›

You can eventually get the ability to fabricate neuromods so you can get as many as you can find the materials for plus all the ones you find normally which are already fairly plentiful. This. The game is very generous with mods to those who explore.

How do you get into security booth life support Prey? ›

The security booth requires a keycard to access. It can be found in the nearby bathroom. At the back of the bathroom, past the stalls, there's a grate on the floor that can be lifted with Leverage 2. You'll find the Security Office keycard in the vent underneath.

Should you destroy Talos 1? ›

A Mind Without Limits: This ending involves knocking out — but not killing — all of the typhons in and around Talos 1. It preserves the station, the research and knowledge contained therein and anyone left alive. This is (arguably) the good ending.

How long is Prey 1? ›

The space station has been overrun by hostile aliens and you are now being hunted. How long is Prey? When focusing on the main objectives, Prey is about 16 Hours in length. If you're a gamer that strives to see all aspects of the game, you are likely to spend around 46 Hours to obtain 100% completion.

Will there be a Prey 2 game? ›

Unfortunately for all Prey fans, no follow-up game was ever announced, and after waiting over seven years, the shocking news that Microsoft is shutting down Arkane Austin for good has caused Prey2Countdown to finally give up hope, commenting only, “It's over.”

What is the computer code for the hidden treasure in Prey? ›

When you've found all four numbers — 1, 3, 5 and 6 — head back to Abby's computer in her cabin in Crew Quarters. You just have to enter the digits into the utility tab. The order appears to be the one in which the players used to sit around the Fatal Fortress game table: For example, 1365 or 3156 usually work.

What is the password for the simulation debriefing safe in Prey? ›

Prey Debriefing Room Safe Code: 5150

Once you use the code on the safe in the debriefing room you'll get access to the FarScan 002Si. This chipset increases the range at which Typhoon can be scanned with the Psychoscope.

What is the code for the security booth in Prey PC? ›

Unchanged Keycodes
Security SafeTalos I Lobby0526
Holding RoomTalos I Lobby1129
I.T. DepartmentTalos I Lobby0913
Dr. DeVries' SafeTalos I Lobby7324
7 more rows
May 5, 2017

What is the container code Prey? ›

You've got lots of time to do what you need to do here. All you really need to note is the number on the side of his container — 2312.

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Author: Jamar Nader

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Name: Jamar Nader

Birthday: 1995-02-28

Address: Apt. 536 6162 Reichel Greens, Port Zackaryside, CT 22682-9804

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Hobby: Scrapbooking, Hiking, Hunting, Kite flying, Blacksmithing, Video gaming, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Jamar Nader, I am a fine, shiny, colorful, bright, nice, perfect, curious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.