Using Speech in Windows Mixed Reality - Enthusiast Guide (2025)

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    Windows 10

You can use your voice to get around Windows Mixed Reality faster. Taking a quick photo, opening an app, even teleporting without a controller are all a word away. For an easy way to type, try dictation mode on the mixed reality keyboard.

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  • When Speech is turned on, Windows Mixed Reality is always listening. When you’re connected to the Internet, we send everything you say to the cloud so Microsoft speech services can recognize even more of your commands.
  • Speech commands are not supported in all languages. Learn more
  • Bluetooth headsets and speakers are not supported in Windows Mixed Reality.

See it, say it

In the Windows Mixed Reality home, if you see a word, you can often use it as a speech command. For instance, just say the name of a button to select it. If you don’t see a name, point your motion controller at the button to find out what to say. For Xbox gamepads, rest your gaze on the button.

General speech commands

Use the following speech commands throughout Windows Mixed Reality to get around faster. Some commands use the gaze cursor, which you’ll bring up by saying “select.”

To do thisSay this
SelectSay “select” to bring up the gaze cursor. Then, turn your head to position the cursor on the thing you want to select, and say “select” again.
Open the Start menuGo to Start
Leave an immersive appSay "Go to Start" to bring up the quick actions menu, then say "Mixed reality home."
Turn Flashlight on/offFlashlight on / Flashlight off
TeleportTurn your head toward the place you want to go, and then say “teleport.” (For more precise targeting, first say “select” to bring up the gaze cursor, then say “teleport.”)
Turn to the left or rightTurn left / turn right
Turn 180 degreesTurn around
Move forwardMove forward / walk forward
Back upMove back / walk back
Move to the leftMove left / walk left
Move to the rightMove right / walk right

3D object commands

Gaze at a 3D object, hologram, or app window to use these commands:

To do thisSay this
Make it biggerBigger
Make it smallerSmaller
Turn it to face youFace me
Get it ready to move - it will follow your gazeMove this
Place it when you're done moving itPlace

App bar commands

Gaze at an app window or a 3D object to use these commands:

To do thisSay this
Close an app or 3D objectClose
Adjust something (resize or move)Adjust
Stop adjustingDone
Hide the app bar on a 3D objectHide menu
Show the app bar on a 3D objectShow Menu
Go back to the previous screen or page in an app that has a Go back buttonGo back
Use your Xbox controller as a gamepad, rather than as a mixed reality controller, in the app you’re looking atUse as gamepad
Use your Xbox controller as a mixed reality controller (when you’ve been using it as a gamepad)Use with gaze

Start menu commands

Gaze at the Start menu to use these commands:

To do thisSay this
Go to the All Apps listAll apps
Move up or down on Start or All appsPage up/down
Go back to Start menu from All appsGo back
Take a photoCamera
Take a videoVideo
Show the headset view in Mixed Reality Portal on your desktopPreview
Open the volume control on StartChange volume
Close the Start menuClose or cancel

Hey Cortana commands

Say "Hey Cortana,” then use one of the following commands:

To do thisSay this
Find out what you can say to CortanaWhat can I say?
Increase/decrease volumeTurn the volume up/down
Start an appLaunch [app name]
Open a website in Microsoft EdgeOpen [website name] (for example, “open”)
Take a photoTake picture
Start recording a videoStart recording
Stop recording a videoStop recording
Show the timeWhat time is it?
Open the Start menuOpen Start menu
Set a timerSet a timer
Set a reminderSet a reminder


  • Cortana is not available in all regions and languages. Learn more.
  • If Cortana isn't responding to "Hey Cortana," select Settings > Privacy > Speech and make Online speech recognition is turned on.
  • If you turn Cortana off, "Hey Cortana" voice commands won't be available, but you'll still be able to use other commands (like "select" and "teleport")

Keyboard dictation

Switch to dictation mode anytime the keyboard is active for an easy way to type. Select microphone on the keyboard—or just say “start dictating”—to get started.


The mixed reality keyboard is only available in English, but you can use dictation in any of the supported Windows Mixed Reality languages.

Keyboard dictation commands

To do thisSay this
Close the keyboardClose
Start dictationStart dictating
Stop dictationStop dictating
Delete what you've dictatedDelete that
Select everything in the dictation boxSelect all


You’ll need to say the names of the punctuation you want to use. For instance, you might say "Hey comma what are you up to question mark."

Here are the punctuation keywords you can use:

  • Period, comma, question mark, exclamation point/exclamation mark
  • New line/new paragraph
  • Semicolon, colon
  • Open quote(s), close quote(s)
  • Hashtag, smiley/smiley face, frowny, winky
  • Dollar, percent

Sometimes it's helpful to spell out things like email addresses. For instance, to dictate, you'd say "E X A M P L E at outlook dot-com."

To stop dictating, select Done.

See also

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Using Speech in Windows Mixed Reality - Enthusiast Guide (2025)
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Author: Dong Thiel

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Name: Dong Thiel

Birthday: 2001-07-14

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Introduction: My name is Dong Thiel, I am a brainy, happy, tasty, lively, splendid, talented, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.