VoyForums: Childhood Spanking Memories (2024)

VoyForums: Childhood Spanking Memories (1)
Childhood Spanking Memories
This is a forum for sharing memories of childhood spankings. This forum is NOT:

1. A place for ANYONE under the age of eighteen for any reason. Anyone who posts claiming to be under the age of 18 will be banned.

2. A place for ANYONE pretending to be under the age of eighteen to tell us how their parents discipline them in specific, lurid detail. All such posts will be deleted and the poster will be banned.

3. A place for ANYONE to share brutal, lurid, specific stories of how they beat their real or hopefully imaginary kids. Any such posts will be deleted and the poster will be banned.

4. A place, in general, to tell us about spankings you have given. It is a place for you tell us about spankings you received, or witnessed others receiving when you were a child yourself. If you MUST tell us about spankings you have given, keep it to spankings you have given to consenting adult partners ONLY.

5. A place for ANYONE to pretend to be eighteen or over but still somehow living at home and spanked by your parents (because as we know all such stories are people's personal fantasies and not actually true; spare me your offended emails and posts that say, essentially, "Nuh-uh!" I know you are lying and so do you).

6. A place for the discussion of any sexual activity of any kind involving ANYONE under the age of twenty-one. In general, this is not a forum for the discussion of sexual activity. As it relates to spanking among consenting adults, some may be permitted, on a case-by-case basis.

7. May I repeat: ABSOLUTELY NO DISCUSSION OF ANYTHING SEXUAL with respect to minors. Any post deemed by me in my sole discretion to depict or suggest or be meant to suggest sexuality with respect to minors will be deleted, and that decision is final, binding, and irreversible.

It is a place to talk about REAL spankings you received growing up, or, if you clearly identify yourself as a full grown adult in a consenting adult relationship. It is a place to share those memories with people who are similarly interested, so you can help yourself and others process them, etc.

People like to meet people on the internet, and finding a spanking partner in 2023 is so much easier than it once was because of the internet, and things like FetLife, SpankingNeeds, and so on. In the same spirit, I am happy for you if you as an adult meet another adult through this forum with whom you can explore consensual adult spanking.

In so saying, let me make it abundantly clear that THIS IS NOT PRIMARILY A DATING SITE and as such I accept NO liability or responsibility for any personal connecting you choose to do outside of this forum with people you meet on this forum. You do so at your own risk. This is an open forum for consenting adults of legal age only. I vet it as best I can, but obviously I cannot guarantee that every poster is who s/he says s/he is. You are responsible for yourself. If you lie about who you are, that is your responsibility. If you choose to contact someone you meet through here through more direct means, that is likewise your responsibility, and you should take all necessary, obvious, and common sense precautions. The outcome of any such meeting is entirely your responsibility.

By posting on here, you acknowledge that you have read and understand all of these rules.

This forum is serious and will be consistently and strictly moderated. If you want to play silly games, check out any of the many options available to you elsewhere.

AND FINALLY: As the owner and administrator of this forum, I am the sole and final authority on what I consider to be out of bounds or inappropriate. I cannot craft rules that will cover every situation, nor am I going to try, because I have already seen that some clever souls will see what they can get away with based on the rules as posted. So here is the last word: if I don't like it, I will delete it, and I need not give you notice, or a reason. If you don't like it, feel free to leave.

VoyForums: Childhood Spanking Memories (2024)
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Author: Golda Nolan II

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Author information

Name: Golda Nolan II

Birthday: 1998-05-14

Address: Suite 369 9754 Roberts Pines, West Benitaburgh, NM 69180-7958

Phone: +522993866487

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Worldbuilding, Shopping, Quilting, Cooking, Homebrewing, Leather crafting, Pet

Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.